☯︎ 词汇大海,乡音世界: FROM THE SEA TO THE MOUTH ♡
母系系谱与实验无线电 / a poetics of matrilineal transmission
by Lu Lin (林璐) / produced between Beiwan (北湾村) and Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country
English / 中文

This project stems from the question, how to construct a maternal genealogy through radio? Building on my radio production practice, this project explores the conceptual and material possibilities of ‘transmission’ in an intergenerational, cross-cultural context via an enquiry into the maternal line in my family. Using recordings of my mother, grandmother, aunts, and myself, speaking to each other in three different languages, 福清话 (Fuqinghua), 普通话 (Mandarin) and English, from the sea to the mouth draws from divergent sound and radio practices (radio documentaries & features, transmission arts, oral history, music, and other experiments in sound) to create a collaborative, orally transmitted genealogy, whereby the radio project’s ‘form’ and its production processes are guided by our relationship dynamics and not necessarily by established genealogical or radio forms. Through an experimental approach to radio-practice-as-research, I have identified and present here multiple modes of how we reproduce intergenerational and otherworldly relationships that are unique to this maternal line, which I have named our ‘genealogical transmission methodologies’. Some of these modes include speaking to each other across ‘broken’ languages, communicating with the spirit world, listening to messages that come to you in dreams, gossiping, and even keeping secrets from each other. Through these communication modalities, I found that we did not always privilege meaning or even understanding in oral transmission (as is understood to be the purpose of ‘communication’); sometimes we’d speak to (/at) each other just to be audibly heard but not necessarily to be understood, centering the immediate physical presence of one another over using language as a sender-receiver of pure meaning. On the other hand, we were also able to create meaning and stories out of ‘silence’ and attune to other-than-human realms: dream realms, the spirit world, the oralities of farm animals, memory loss, hearing loss, and in doing so, attend to what’s been repressed and devalued outside of dominant transmission circuits (patriarchal genealogies, the linguistic supremacy of English and Mandarin). My work presents multiple unique approaches to listening, speaking, and being in relation to one another, which collectively constitute an unwitting matrilineal and genealogical methodology which has gone undocumented until now. Through documenting and giving language to these modalities, this project  aims to foreground one’s ability to creatively modulate epistemologies of maternal transmission: that is, giving power back to women to rewrite, retell, and construct their own historical relationships from past and into the future. 

For more info: lu.lin77077@gmail.com

这项由实践主导的广播项目通过调查我的家庭中的母系,探索了在跨代、跨文化背景下“传播”的概念和物质可能性。从“如何通过广播建立母系”开始,利用母亲、祖母、阿姨和我用三种不同语言相互交谈的录音,福清话 (傅清华),,普通话 (普通话)和英语"我们的口波"是一部广播作品,从不同的声音和广播实践(如纪录片,传播艺术,口述历史,音乐)中汲取经验,创作出合作的口述谱系,,其中,放射性人工制品的形式及其生产过程受我们关系动力学的特殊性指导,而不一定受已建立的系谱或放射性形式的指导。通过实验性的无线电实践作为研究,我已经确定并在这里展示了我们如何再现这一母系特有的代际关系和超凡脱俗关系的多种模式。其中一些模式包括通过“破碎”的语言相互交谈,与精神世界交流,倾听梦中或直觉中传来的信息,闲聊,甚至彼此保守秘密。我还发现,我们并不总是优先考虑(口头的、破碎的)语言的意义或理解;也就是说,我们有时说话只是为了被听到,但不一定是为了被理解,通过调谐到所指语言之外互动的音调和音乐性,而另一方面,我们也能够通过调谐到被压抑的东西、耳语和想象中,从沉默中创造意义和故事。我的作品代表了听、说和相互关系的多种独特方法,它们共同构成了一种不知不觉的女权主义者和系谱学方法,直到现在还没有被记录下来,这反过来又调节了母性传播的本体论和认识论可能性。这个项目展示了我的家庭特定的互动模式如何扩展无线电学术和制作的创造性可能性,同时,另一方面,也展示了实验无线电的启示如何使我们能够构建一个谱系。